
Crassest Right Wing Blogger of the Day: Jim 'Dim' Hoft

Ace Rothstein2/04/2011 4:09:02 pm PST

re: #173 WindUpBird

I present Jummy…

charles johnson of lgf claims that there is something “remarkably bigoted” about this post.

i cant imagine what charles, whose derisive moniker for islam, “the religion of peace“, most often shortened to simply RoP, deems to be beyond the pale.

was it the crack about how they should have prayed harder? can that have disturbed the sensitivities of the man who has referred to islam as, variously, “the religion of beheadings” or the Religion of Misogyny, Religion of Mass Murder, Religion of Market Bombs, Religion of Masks and Rifles, Religion of Children with Weapons, Religion of Revenge, Religion of Suicide Car Bombs, etc.?

then he throws you for a loop and describes islam simply as a “Cult of Blood and Death”.

having never publicly reconsidered his own eliminationist hate speech, he believes he can infer bigotry in other bloggers’ posts as if it were with clean hands?