
Wednesday Night Acoustic: Gareth Pearson - Trail of M & Ms (Solo Guitar)

CuriousLurker9/26/2013 8:48:43 am PDT

OT Drive-by:

BREAKING! Obama Has Dismantled America

According to Pamela Geller. She’s almost outdone herself with the hyperbole on this one—America is over, POTUS is pleased about it, and something about the “viciouos” Fareed Zakaria and good & evil being equivalent now.

Oh, and why didn’t Kenya call on the U.S. for help, huh? I mean it’s POTUS’ “native land”, FFS, yet they got help from Israel. And Sharia, and the MB, and… and… Ayn Rand was totally right… and prepare for your dhimmitude, assholes—she tried to warn you, but nooooo you wouldn’t listen…

I won’t link to the article as I’m sure you can find it by the title. Enjoy the melodrama—it’s classic Geller at her hallucinatory best, LOL:

Obama Has Dismantled America

Does the extinguished candle care about the darkness? Ask the huddled masses who are yearning to be free. America was once thought of as a light unto nations. Obama has single-handedly extinguished that light. […]

…..In a seminal moment for modern historians and active political observers like myself, a snapshot came across the newswires in May 2008, showing candidate Obama crossing an airplane tarmac, mid-gait, and holding Fareed Zakaria’s American epitaph, The Post-American World. In the photo, Obama is holding his place in the book with his finger, as if he didn’t dare put it down and wanted to dive back into it as soon as he could.

The vicious Zakaria describes his book this way: “This is not a book about the decline of America, but rather about the rise of everyone else.” In it, he details the era he hopes we are entering now — a world in which the United States would “no longer dominate the global economy, orchestrate geopolitics, or overwhelm cultures.” […]

Obama seems bound and determined to drive America over a cliff and make Zakaria’s vision of the future a self-fulfilling prophecy. Obama went to work from his first day in office to make Zakaria’s wishful thinking about America’s decline a reality. […]