
Daily Caller: Confederate Flags Are Just Like Gay Pride Flags

Justanotherhuman10/15/2013 3:14:54 am PDT

Not so secret meeting of House RWNJs. Trying to thwart any deal that didn’t meet their demands? Well, you wankers don’t make policy like you think you’re entitled to—so fuck off.

Ted Cruz, House Republicans Meet in Secret at Tortilla Coast

“While the dinner meeting was held in a private basement room, the group was spotted by Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., who was dining with some other members, including Gregg Harper, R-Miss. McCarthy is a regular at the Capitol Hill restaurant, and a source said he seemed particularly interested in what the group was up to.

“While the emerging deal to reopen the government and hike the debt ceiling increase may have been a hot topic, it was not immediately clear what the group actually discussed. But the fact that such a group met with Cruz at all could give House GOP leaders even more heartburn as they consider themselves what to do if the Senate passes the measure.

“The deal that is materializing in the Senate is one that Cruz and his House compatriots are unlikely to endorse. But it appears to be one that can pass both chambers with bipartisan support.”