
The Michael Brown Shooting Incident Report Is Ridiculous

EPR-radar8/22/2014 12:04:36 pm PDT

re: #169 calochortus

Well, that’s truly shameful. I must just be a babe in the woods, because I had no idea that suburbs were funding themselves that way. Maybe some little backwoods town somewhere, but this?

Gah. The more I know about Ferguson, the more rotten it seems.

From the linked article:

A report issued just last week by the nonprofit lawyer’s group ArchCity Defenders notes that in the court’s 36 three-hour sessions in 2013, it handled 12,108 cases and 24,532 warrants. That is an average of 1.5 cases and three warrants per Ferguson household. Fines and court fees for the year in this city of just 21,000 people totaled $2,635,400.

36 three hour sessions is a total of 108 hours. In that 108 hours, 12 thousand cases and 24 thousand warrants are dealt with. So that’s about 110 cases and 220 warrants per hour.

It’s easy to see how: “Pay up. Next case”.