
Watch Live: On 50th Anniversary of Selma, President Obama Speaks at the Edmund Pettus Bridge

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)3/07/2015 2:52:59 pm PST

re: #175 #FergusonFireside

Totally sending good wishes. If you are learning paralegal, you are on the right path!!

re: #176 Romantic Heretic

Good luck.

Thanks guys. IT was honestly probably one of the most enjoyable interviews I had since the guy interviewing me and bear in mind he’s obviously never met said that he could tell my skillset would be a great asset for Human Rights investigations. Just sounded like a match made in heaven and he was so thrilled that i am doing the course. I don’t want to be an attorney but paralegal work sounds like it would be a great usage of my skillset and in a bureau like that, it would be perfect for me.