
Michelle Obama Talks About Overcoming Prejudice, Breitbart Commenters Spew Torrents of Racist Hatred

Justanotherhuman5/12/2015 2:33:42 am PDT

I’re: #171 goddamnedfrank

Racists like her are willing to take hard-earned money from Black people as long as they obey and behave, and talk about them behind their backs like they’re the trash, not themselves. Don’t forget, this is a “private” school which depends on the GA “Hope Scholarship” program for students established by Zell Miller and based on the GA lottery, and she found the pot of gold:

I’d expect to see Black students leave the school itself in droves; she’ll be fired for some mickey mouse reason, not because shes a racist, if she’s fired at all since she’s the “beloved founder” of the school, Expect her to start talking about “stress” and, of course, “death threats” at some juncture.

The racism expressed on Britefart is by those who would never utter a word like that in person to a Black person because the writers are cowards unless they’re in the same company as themselves. They’re resentful white supremacists who live in a shadow world of their own delusions of white supremacy and utter failure.

I didn’t click on the “reveal” button because it’s just the same old, same old racists have been spouting for years because hate, and even the threat of hellfire and damnation can’t shake them from it. It’s easy to spout that shit through the anonymity of the internet, it’s just a bit rarer to see someone like her lose her racist shit so publicly. But her “god” will forgive her, doncha know.