
The Bob & Chez Show: No Puppet No Puppet

makeitstop10/26/2016 9:06:01 am PDT

Another day, another hoax that wingnuts are eating like groceries:

Oregon ballot omitting Trump is a hoax

Twitter user John Lussier included the caption, “The Oregon state ballot doesn’t even bother with putting Trump on as a choice for president this year!”

It included several hashtags commonly used by Trump supporters, many of whom, quickly shared the tweet. Lussier also tagged several prominent right-leaning media outlets in the post to get more attention. The image was retweeted more than 1,000 times and reached thousands of people by Friday afternoon.

There was just one problem. It was a fake.

Within an hour of his first post, Lussier tweeted again, admitting his previous tweet was a hoax. He later clarified in a social media post that a friend had manipulated an image of an Oregon ballot using Photoshop.

I pointed out to a wingnut on FB that it was a hoax and provided the above link. His reply?

‘Can’t believe anything in the media.’

Christ, these people are fucking stupid.