
Stephen Colbert: If Politicians Won't Take Action, These High Schoolers Will

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈2/21/2018 7:34:56 am PST

The radicalized-right are losing their minds on Twitter because some useful idiots with bot-like Tweets are being required to prove that they’re real with a phone number. They call it an attack on Conservatives, but it’s just that people who act just like Russian influence bots are being forced to verify.

One nut even claimed that they’re working up to banning Trump. I told them it won’t happen, but Twitter would be doing Trump a favor if they did, since Twitter is where he constantly brings shame onto himself and America.

Another idiot said the people who lost followers should follow each other and they’ll be “stronger than ever”. As if being in a bot-like echo-chamber makes them strong.