
New From Seth Meyers: Trump Pressured Ukraine to Meddle in the 2020 Election

Eclectic Cyborg9/24/2019 7:29:48 am PDT

Fuck this fucking Administration, man….

(The Hill) - The Trump administration is threatening to withhold highway funding from California for its air pollution—the latest move in a political showdown as the state fights to keep tougher vehicle emissions standards.

Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency has rolled back the tougher standards California is fighting to keep, spurring a lawsuit from California and 23 other states on Friday.

In a letter to California leaders, EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler told the state owes the agency an urgent turnaround on a backlog of air pollution plans.

Since the 1970s, California has failed to carry out its most basic tasks under the Clean Air Act. California has the worst air quality in the United States,” Wheeler wrote, saying the state has 34 million resident breathing air that does not meet National Ambient Air Quality standards.