
Donald Trump Says Obama Committed the Biggest Crime in US History, but He Doesn't Feel Like Telling You What It Was

Targetpractice5/11/2020 10:04:07 pm PDT

I think what we’re gonna see is that “Obamagate” is every bit the dud that past efforts to “investigate the investigators.” That it will be another “looks bad” report, comprised almost entirely of “crimes” that amount to pushing DOJ rules to their breaking point but never outright breaking the law. And the usual round of “What did Obama know and when did he know it?!” and similar “questions” that “the American people have.” A sea of furrowed brows and mutterings about “concern” and being “disturbed.”

But when actually pressed, they’ll all shy away from actually supporting criminal charges/trials and stop short of actually saying that any of it “exonerates” Donny.