
Seth Meyers: GOP Senators Suddenly Want to "Move On" From Trump's Second Impeachment Trial

Acemarilllion (yes, three 'l's)2/09/2021 8:30:12 am PST

re: #87 Dave In Austin

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I saw a carnie fight inside one of them shits. Both carnies were operators of the ride, one outside collecting tickets and one inside who sits in the center and controls the ride. The dude in the center controlled the loud music being played and from what I could gather, decided to only play Janet Jackson songs. as the ride comes to a halt (me and my girl at the time were riders) the enter/exit door opens and the outside operator comes flying in and starts to get in a heated discussion about the music. All of the riders were walking out and laughing paying no mind to what was unfolding. My girlfriend is motioning for me to exit and I whisper to her “let’s slow walk this, i think this is going to get good”. Sure enough, fists start flying while “When I Think Of You” is blasting. It was over pretty quick with no discernable “solution” reached.

That is my carnie fight story.