
Obama Lifts Ban on Funding for Embryonic Stem Cell Research

A.W.3/09/2009 10:15:16 am PDT

This whole thing is insane. Look, can we agree that we really don’t know the moral dimensions here. maybe at conception, the soul attaches, so that you kill an embryo, you are wiping out a real human soul. Or maybe the soul attaches 5 minutes before your birth. or maybe we have no souls. who knows?

Shouldn’t the answer then, to be as careful as possible, here. “First, do no harm?” And that doesn’t mean you necessarily have to ban abortion. i personally wouldn’t do so until the time when most children show signs of brain function; and would want the law to reflect that pragmatic approach. But can we agree that we need to have a decent reason before killing a fetus.

A stroll down instapundit’s archives will show you how many ways they have of getting stem cells without any destruction of fetuses. so why can’t we do it that way?

I have to think this is all tragically ideological, as in certain people want to demonstrate that they place no value on a fetus whatsoever to prove a point on abortion. no room for subtlety, or nuance, just kill kill kill. its f—-ed up.