
About Glenn Beck's Extremist Rhetoric, Part 2

RedVoter4/08/2009 3:11:17 pm PDT

Victor Davis Hanson is one of my favorite conservative thinkers and writers out there, right next to Krauthammer and Jonah Goldberg. I agree that Fox News seems more concerned with entertainment than actual news. They’re obsessed with car chases, tabloids and gossip during their daytime shows. I don’t feel as if I am learning anything about what is going on in the world while watching. I don’t mind the eye candy though.

As far as their evening lineup (Glenn Beck to Greta), I have mixed feelings. I always thought beck was loopy, but he has a very entertaining show and I find that calling him a kook, as many on the right have, is unfair. He doesn’t advocate any of these crazy conspiracies people accuse him of doing. Not that I have noticed while watching his show. When talking about “The 5,000 Year Leap”, he was referring to the unapologetically pro-American and pro-capitalist message of the book; not whatever conspiracies the author subscribed to. The book puts forth the same argument that Ayn Rand often put forth, that Capitalism and Democracy are inextricably linked and beneficial to society. I can’t argue with that.

I do miss Brit Hume, but Baier will grow into his new role over time and Special Report still provides one half hour of honest and balanced news and another half hour of insightful discussion.

O’reilly has fluffed up his show quite a bit. He still has good debates now and then though and his Dennis Miller segments are great. I wish he would get rid of that stupid Body Language segment though and yes, he needs to have more seasoned pundits to engage with. The occasional Brit Hume is not enough.

And then there is Hannity and Greta. Greta is not my cup of tea, I’m not interested in watching coverage of celebrity trials but Hannity is surprisingly entertaining. His Radio Show is nothing but talking points from the GOP but his hour on Fox is surprisingly entertaining.

Cavuto is great and I don’t watch the Weekend programming other than Fox News Sunday which is the best Sunday News show around. Oh, Red Eye is a guilty pleasure as well.

Beck seems to be the main issue here and draws the most ire from both Conservatives and Liberals. I honestly think a lot of it has to do with jealousy and insecurity. Conservatives need to stop being embarrassed for themselves. He’s not the kook so many claim he is (Goldwater and Reagan were accused of being the same) and he is entertaining. Would I like for a more serious show to be on Fox featuring the great Conservative thinkers of our time? Yes. Would I like to see another Firing Line? Absolutely. But we’re not going to get that on TV anytime soon. All of media has deteriorated.

As for David Frum, I still like him and I do think that the next cycle of elections needs to “be about the economy, stupid”. We have a real opening here when it comes to economic policy, but this does not mean Conservatives should run away from Social Conservatives or that we should attack Libertarian Conservatives. Frum goes after Social conservatives and Palin, Frum goes after Libertarians and Beck…are there any Conservatives he does like? He was an ardent defender of George W. Bush, deficit spending and all, but now we should listen to him concerning the party’s future? With all due respect, he was part of the problem at one time.