
Obama Administration Suspends Many Illegal Immigrant Deportations

wrenchwench8/19/2011 2:03:12 pm PDT

re: #174 lostlakehiker

More. Republicans should welcome this move. While we don’t want an influx of people who have little education, don’t speak our language, and don’t share our culture, the people who fit the criteria announced are not anything like that. They do speak our language, they do have an education, and so on. Although their papers do not say so, they are effectively Americans already.

Conservatives may not believe in trying to take care of everybody, unless they’re particularly devout Christians and not given to thinking much about feasibility. But conservatives traditionally believe in taking care of our own. These people, papers or not, are ours. They are of us. We raised them. We trained them. And now they’re ready, willing, and able to return the favor. Deporting them is nuts.

Republicans say that if we let these people stay, it will cause another influx. Conservatives don’t consider these people “our own”. They say we are rewarding criminal behavior, even if it was the parents’ behavior. You say sensible things, but you’re fantasizing if you think there are many Republicans and conservatives who will agree with you.