
BLM Officer and Highway Patrolman Shot in Nevada County, CA by Suspected Right Wing Extremist

Mattand6/17/2014 2:10:38 pm PDT

Regarding the Republican thought processes behind shit like “Capturing a Benghazi mastermind is a false flag” and “Leaving the polls open too long causes fraud”:

I was listening to Anthony Bourdain on Chris Hardwick’s Nerdist podcast the other day. Bourdain was talking about how he enjoyed having Ted Nugent on one of his shows, even though Bourdain finds Nugent’s overall outlook on life repellant.

Bourdain was basically making a statement on how he finds preaching to the choir a horrible idea. The old “If I avoided everyone I disagreed with, my life would be lonely and boring” idea.

And to a degree, he’s right. You should expose yourself to other ideas and other opinions. You definitely don’t want to be trapped in a bubble, liberal or conservative. I’m guilty of that myself and actually do try to avoid that.

Here’s the thing, though: I’m getting tired of people telling me I have to be tolerant of idiots and crazy people. Like it or not, that’s what’s driving the GOP these days.

I really don’t understand why I have to go “Oh, it’s important to break bread with a guy like the Nuge who essentially threatened Hillary Clinton and Obama over a non-existent gun ban.”

I’m sure John McCain and Lindsey Graham love their families, blah blah blah. But their day job is destroying Obama at the expense of the country. Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter literally lie on a daily basis to millions of seniors who watch Fox.

Why the fuck am I supposed to overlook this bullshit?

That’s what pissed me off about Jon Stewart’s Rally to Restore False Balance: pleas that both sides are equally bad are childish double-talk when one side has effectively stopped governing because the black guy won twice.

If this hurts the feelings of any of the conservatives who post here or happen to read this, good. You guys are in serious need of a fucking intervention. When the only thing the leaders of your party can say about nailing a leader of the Benghazi attack is “Send ‘em to Gitmo”, rather than “Good job, Mr President”?

You guys have a problem. A serious one that pretty much threatens all of us.

Swear to Crom, supporting the Republican party is basically saying “I am completely cool with supporting politicians who will burn down the country to get their way.”

Instead of voting Republican this November, go piss on an American flag. It’s pretty much what you’re doing anyway.