
Tonight in Ferguson, Missouri

A Mom Anon8/12/2014 4:10:30 am PDT

re: #178 Lidane

I’m going to go ahead and call bullshit on this whole “anecdote”. I doubt it ever happened, except in the fevered imagination of the author. A form of racist pornography. In the same vein as the old “Letters to Penthouse Forum” only with racism substituted for the sex. And 3/5ths? SERIOUSLY?

See, this is what happens when this shit isn’t smacked down when it starts AND when you have a political party who not only has done nothing to purge this rot from it’s ranks but has done a great job of encouraging it with silence. They fed this monster and this is what we all get in return.

Also, I had to go run a few errands yesterday and about a half mile down the road from me, some asshole installed a shiny new flagpole with a huge fucking Gadsden Flag hanging off it. No American flag, just that one. One of his nearby neighborhood dipshits has a steady supply of the old GA State flag with the “stars and bars” on it that he replaces when that flag gets too torn up. Again, no American flag, just that one.

But I’m the traitor who hates America. Yeah. Right.