
We Got Some Seriously Deranged Mail

Birth Control Works1/28/2015 6:51:57 am PST
DEACE: Do our rights really come from God? Or do they come from the mob, do they come from the state? (because, I guess there are no other choices)

CARSON: I think you’re right about that. The Constitution actually [inaudible] this message. It says that those kinds of matters are in the jurisdiction of the state. That is not a federal issue. And, what the president and what the Supreme Court needs to reiterate is the states have a mechanism whereby they can determine the will of the people. It’s called ballot referendum. It has been done multiple times already. 32 states have indicated that marriage is between a man and a woman, and a few judges have come and overturn that. That, as far as I’m concerned, is unconstitutional. And Congress actually has oversight of what they call the inferior courts, everything below the Supreme Court. That’s where those overturns have come. When judges do not carry out their duties in an appropriate way, our Congress actually has the right to reprimand or remove them. Most people don’t know that because they don’t know the Constitution.

bolded area mine.