
Overnight Jam: Jason Isbell, "Elephant"

sagehen10/02/2015 6:59:42 am PDT

re: #148 I Stand With Planned Parenthood

If a woman died of an illegal abortion that was not listed on the death certificate. Unless the family kept records there is no way to know.

I read something a couple years ago that I didn’t bookmark, maybe someone here has the google-fu to find it.

A Pennsylvania doctor, retired, bored, time on his hands, tried to research pre-Roe abortion deaths. He looked at all the death certificates for 1963-1973 of his state, found very few listed abortion (of course). But the birth rate hadn’t changed pre- and post-Roe. Not at all. So he pulled up death certificates of women of reproductive age, counted how many listed hemmorhage, or unspecified infection, as the cause of death. That number dropped *drastically* post-Roe. He ended up deciding the abortion rate hadn’t changed at all, it just got safer.