
In the Trump Era, Rep. Steve King Has Gone Full-on White Supremacist

makeitstop1/10/2019 1:08:14 pm PST

In other news…my buds in Twisted Sister are in another dustup with a right-wing politician for unauthorized use of ‘We’re Not Gonna Take It.’ This time, the offender is in Australia.

It’s the same thrashing guitar and rock music, but the words are different from the lyrics of Twisted Sister’s hit song, and the band is not impressed.

The rock band from New Jersey (wut??) has told an Australian politician to stop using its song “We’re Not Gonna Take It” in his advertising campaign.

Clive Palmer, a conservative politician and mining magnate, rolled out a national marketing campaign for his center-right United Australia Party over the holiday period.

Ads from the campaign use the music from “We’re Not Gonna Take It,” changing the words to “Australia ain’t gonna cop it.” The ads criticize spending and delays related to the National Broadband Network, an infrastructure project intended to improve the country’s internet speeds.