
New Music From the Great James McMurtry: "If It Don't Bleed"

Dangerman7/16/2021 5:36:59 am PDT


“And with Republicans counting on Trump to be a crucial pillar of their efforts to reclaim the House majority next year, both in terms of fundraising and turnout, they are eager to stay in his good graces and reluctant to damage or provoke the mercurial ex-President over the next 16 months — especially as the January 6 probe heats up, which Trump will undoubtedly be keeping a close eye on.”

- a functioning party, with a plausible, reasonably popular agenda, being led by functioning, respectable adults wouldnt need to risk it all on a defeated fascist.

- so “needing” Trump as their main vote driver is kind of pathetic

- and incredibly irresponsible because putting all the chips on godhead worship and no agenda, they have no idea what Trump will be (or where) in fall 2022.