
Colbert: Presidents Know Who Is Coming to Dinner; a Hot New Herschel Walker Scandal

William Lewis11/29/2022 10:52:22 am PST

re: #159 gwangung

That’s why I slightly disagree with “Twitter is not the Town Hall” arguments. It most certainly is, right now, even with Musk breaking things like a petulant three year old.

It probably won’t be in the future, but the future is not here yet, so until the capacity is there to take the discussion off Twitter, I think efforts will still do good there.

There are those who don’t have much choice right now, I agree. And there are very real flaws to Mastodon that I see each day, especially for minorities, LGBTQ+, and disabled people. But for me and my uses (posting my landscape pictures & boosting posts l like (your stuff on plays coming up that I wish I could go see is one example)) Twitter is no longer worth the aggravation and the flaws at Mastodon aren’t enough to keep me from using it.

Hope that makes sense.

Perhaps if Charles does come out with a competitor…