
Bruce Hornsby With the BBC Concert Orchestra: "The Way It Is"

Joe Bacon ✅1/29/2024 5:01:56 pm PST

All I just got my California Sample Ballot. Looking at it and I see for both Senate races Steve Garvey is on the first line. Adam Schiff is on the bottom line for the short tern race With Barbara Lee and Katie Porter in the middle of both ballots.

For President…Grifter Marianne Williamson has the top line…and Joe Biden is in the bottom of the ballot…

27 people are on the ballot for the full Senate term and only 7 are on the ballot for the short term.

Only one initiative on the ballot involving mental health services and since I see Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association opposing it That means it’s OK and I’ll vote YES on that.

OJ prosecutor Christopher Darden is running for one of the Judicial offices…