
France Loves Creationism (Because It Makes Americans Look Stupid)

Walter L. Newton2/12/2009 7:11:46 pm PST

re: #160 unclassifiable

Sorry to say that the anti-science trend got started in the late 60’s as a anti-establishment stance against the evils of science that fed the War machine.

Look at the import of Eastern Mysticism and the fascination with various tribal pagan beliefs and rituals.

And astrology, tarot cards, palm reading and all of the rest…

In short, it became cool to be ignorant.

So why not the Christian Fundamentalist also?

I mean look who is in power. Look at who dominates the airwaves. Look at the cult of Global Warming, of Gaia, ect, etc.

It really was a destructive time in the U.S. and we are reaping the whirlwind.

With a certain group of Christian Fundamentalist (and certain Christians in general), being anti-science has been cool for over a 100 years. This is far from a new phenomena.