
Overnight Open Thread

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)1/03/2010 7:39:43 am PST

re: #164 sattv4u2

No, they wouldn’t necessarily have to raise taxes on corporations. That’s one revenue stream, but there’s no reason they’d have to tax corporations in particular.

As the economy recovers, tax revenues will also go up.

I think the debt it too high myself— I wish that instead of a series of tax breaks, Bush had worked on paying down the debt so that when we were faced with a time we really, really did need to stimulate the economy, we could deficit spend without twinges.

I think we do too much deficit spending during prosperity, but the time to cut back on government spending is not during a recession.

re: #165 Walter L. Newton

Yes, to a certain extent. They own 22% of our foreign debt, with is 25% of the total debt. China is a country of a lot of concern, but owning a big but still very minority chunk of our debt doesn’t endow them with superpowers.