
Esquire: McCarthyism 2.0? The Right's Battle with ACORN

Randall Gross1/05/2010 7:12:55 pm PST

Florida GOP Chairman Resigns

Check the conservative love in the comments:

of course gay Crist has more money, he collected tons and tons of stolen monies from the thieving Jewish Avenger Rothstein ponzi scheme….he is finished in the primary….Rubio will will win easily and then go on to stomp the dem candidate Meek….Meek will carry the Floriduh illegal Haitian vote and that is all….And on top of that, the dirty Jewish Avenger money will also drag down the dem governor candidate Sink and allow the repub candidate Taliban Bill to win the Floriduh governor race….I look forward to voting for the hick from Alaska in 2012 for POTUS..this country blows and deserves everything that happens to it!…right wing taliban repubs…. crying in the rain, never met a tax increase they didn’t like dems….screw all of you.