
Gingrich Blows the Dog Whistle Loud and Clear

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/09/2010 6:12:33 am PDT

re: #173 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

No, just that they talked about it. You’re right, though.

Doesn’t make what Newt said racist, it is completely irrelevant though.

Dog-whistles aren’t themselves ‘racist’, since they need to have another interpretation that’s plausible. It’s funny that in this case the other interpretation is that Newt is speaking gibberish.

I think you have to realize also that to many, including myself, there is no longer any reason to cut the GOP any slack on racial issues. Confederate History Month, corrupting justice to take down ACORN, the smears on Van Jones, the Birchers being let into the fold, Limbaugh allowed to race-bait like a fool without any criticism from the GOP, Sotomayor attacked for being a racist: exactly why should any benefit of the doubt be given to a GOP person who says something that has a dog-whistle interpretation? On what grounds should I be extending lenience?