
Charles Krauthammer Joins Everyone Else on the Right

Walter L. Newton8/13/2010 12:42:12 pm PDT

re: #173 crown_of_feathers

Hey, I’ve got a great idea, guys!

Forget about that site a couple of block away.

Why the heck can’t we just build a mosque RIGHT ON THE SITE OF THE WTC?! (And it would be nice if it were paid for by NYC).

I can’t think of a better testament to our sensitivity than that, can you?

Hey, what the hell, let’s show our compassion (“Lockerbie-bomber-release style”) by having this gentleman as the resident Imam:


Better yet, let us show that we in America will not be outdone by Europe, in our acceptance of Islam, by installing these fellows also as Imams, and elevating the peace dialog further with the Religion of Peace:


Oh, by the way…do you think that will make them like us more?

Hey Stupid (I can call you Stupid, right). I don’t think this is a mater of us making anyone like us, it’s a matter of following the law and out constitution. Would you like me to repeat that again much s l o w e r ?