
Video: Fox News vs. the President

BryanS2/06/2011 9:00:23 pm PST

re: #174 Dark_Falcon

But he is pointing out that reasonable people can disagree on the way forward in Egypt, and that the conservative tradition is to support democracy. His article is a call for conservatives to live up to their ideals and show the GOP as being Ronald Reagan and Abraham Lincoln’s party. It’s a vital call to stand on principle. Beck can’t be allowed to win this one, and honestly, this is a hill the Weekly Standard and Nation Review should be willing to die on. If they lose, then its time for them to truly do a rethink. Whose idea of what it means to be conservative is what’s at stake:

Is it to be that of Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan and William F. Buckley, or that of Glenn Beck and Pam Geller?

Agreed. As a conservative, I applaud when I see those on my side take positions like Kristol, Krauthammer, and Lowry have done in criticizing positions of nutjobs like Beck.