
Tom Waits-Cookie Monster: God's Away on Business

Fat Bastard Vegetarian8/17/2011 5:54:41 pm PDT

Just for fun…

Top Ten Cheapest Celebrity Tippers
1.) Tiger Woods: Claims he never carries cash.
2.) Madonna: Once left an $18 tip on a $400 bill.
3.) Barbra Streisand: Famous for leaving $10 tip for $457 tab.
4.) LeBron James: Didn’t ever get tipping talents, left $10 on an $800 bill.
5.) Jeremy Piven: Left signed Entourage DVD as tip.
6.) Usher: Once left his autograph as a tip.
7.) Mariah Carey: Famous for diva demands and no tips!
8.) Sean Penn: Left $0 on a $450 tab in New Orleans.
9.) Bill Cosby: Once left a $3 tip on a $350 bill
10.) Rachael Ray: Promotes less than 20 percent tip on her show.

Honestly? I’d expect Barbra, Sean, and Bill to be in the top ten list.