Comment Continues Stalking the President's Daughters

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/29/2013 3:17:46 pm PDT

This is America, 2013:

Fossil record is not evidence of evolution


For example, the claim that the DNA of similar organisms being more closely aligned than those that are significantly different doesn’t support evolution any more than creation.

But how close is it? The oft-touted statistic that chimpanzees and humans share 98 percent of the same DNA has now, through additional discovery, been lowered to be at most 70 percent and probably less as more information about DNA is unraveled. [Wrong, just Wrong.]

[…] Rogers chided me for using the term “higher life forms,” but I thought lower to higher was the reasoning behind biological evolutionary thinking. [Wrong, just Wrong.] His claim that the fossil record shows a clear line of transitional forms from fish to amphibians (lower to higher?) is more a tribute to the drawings of artists than the fossil remains themselves. Rarely is an entire fossil found, so scientists fill in the unknown pieces from what they believe them to be by using artists’ drawings. With such additions it is difficult to determine where science ends and imagination begins. The gaps in actual fossils recovered remain annoyingly unchanged. [Wrong, wrong, and wrong.]

[…] However, most science textbooks offer no critical analysis and often present unproven theories as fact. One of the most outrageous examples of this was Haeckel’s Embryonic Recapitulation Theory, which was discredited shortly after it was proposed, but remained in many text books without caveat until recently. [Haeckel!!]

[and so forth]