
Entire Right Wing Media Lines Up to Support Hate Speech by Duck Dynasty's Head Caveman

lawhawk12/20/2013 10:49:00 am PST

The same right wingers who were demanding Martin Bashir’s head on a pike; the same ones who called for Alec Baldwin to lose his job(s); are now demanding that A&E restore Robertson to his gig on a reality tv show because that’s free speech, but it’s speech they agree with.

They couldn’t care about the speech they disagree with (or about people they disagree with).

So, while as I’ve repeatedly pointed out that this isn’t a First Amendment issue, but a contract matter between Robertson and the producers, these same right wingers ignore that the First Amendment is designed to protect speech, all speech, including the speech you disagree with.

If you’re going to claim that this is a free speech matter, your hypocrisy is showing when you demand Baldwin or Bashir lose their jobs over their speech, but demand that Robertson get his job back after being suspended.

Since this isn’t a free speech matter, the producers can take whatever actions they deem appropriate pursuant to the contract that Robertson willingly entered into so as to reap the profits of his scripted reality tv show that is quite the departure from his family’s lifestyle before the show began taping (back when they weren’t all sprouting copious amounts of facial hair and would be at home in the country club more readily than the bayous). Because Image Is Everything. And the Robertsons know that they’ve got a cash cow that they’ve got to reap for as long as possible.