
What Did Mayor De Blasio Say to Get the NYPD So Angry?

majii12/27/2014 3:53:16 pm PST

What is happening in NY with Mayor DeBlasio is not new, if you’re a member of a minority group—Hispanic/Latino, Black, LGBTQ, Muslim, etc. It has been happening for a very long time. The problem is that those in positions of power and influence have ignored what is happening before their very eyes, and now the fact that all Americans aren’t being treated the same are coming into focus and in the national spotlight, they are very upset. They don’t want to, and will not, acknowledge that the problem exists and is a blight on the very principles they say are the bedrock of what this nation stands for. They want the problem to go away and will do everything within their power to maintain the status quo. What they fail to note is that things are changing and some of us will no longer tolerate having other Americans gunned down in our streets or discriminated against for no reason other than their race, sexual orientation, religion, etc. Sure, it’s upsetting to the keepers of the status quo, and they have two choices—-work with us to address and rectify the problems or continue to hear from us. They will be forced eventually to change the way our police departments operate and to change their way of thinking about members of minority groups, even though it’s not their preferred option. If they want us to cease and desist from making our displeasure known, it is their only option.

The NYPD and others are upset with Mayor DeBlasio because he’s telling the truth, and what upsets them most is that he’s a white man and father of a biracial son who has the courage to say in public what needs/must be said. Kudos to Mayor DeBlasio for telling the truth because, for far too long, many in the nation have denied that problems of this sort exist when they most definitely do.