
Samantha Bee Backs the Bus Over Donald Trump's Asinine Unconstitutional Order on Sanctuary Cities

lawhawk2/09/2017 1:39:05 pm PST

Bring up Chicago? Yeah, Chicago homicide rate spiked from 2015, but guess what, it’s still below the rates from the 1980s and 1990s. Before that, Chicago had dropped significantly (and national homicide rates were adversely affected because of the spike in Chicago and handful of other cities). Meanwhile, NYC crime rates and homicide rates continue at historic lows - absolute and per capita basis.

But when asked what to do about the crime rates, the GOP thinks, we’ll add more police, send in the national guard - anything to ignore that guns and gun violence plays a big role in all this. GOP doesn’t care, and they’ll suck off the NRA for that sweet juicy campaign donations all while people die needlessly from guns that are way too easily available.