
Snarky Puppy Live @ Festival Django Reinhardt 2018: "Grown Folks"

Dr Lizardo2/16/2019 12:21:15 am PST

Just came across this interesting bit of speculation.

Long story short, President Trump has been prescribed 40 mg Rosuvastatin per day, which is considered the maximum dosage. Rosuvastatin is mostly an anti-cholesterol medication, but it also reduces inflammation and lowers blood-pressure.

But… (here comes the but)…..

….for patients older than 70 (Trump is 72) such a high dosage damages the liver and is deadly in the long-term. And Rosuvastatin treatment would likely have zero effect if the patient is not on a low-fat diet (think of Trump’s infamous hamburger/fast food addiction)

So, why is he getting the maximum dosage of Rosuvastatin? That’s a hell of a good question.

It’s been noted that lately, Rosuvastatin is also being used to treat early-stage Alzheimer’s; apparently, Rosuvastatin has been shown to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s.

As I said, this is all entirely speculative, but it’s nonetheless interesting reading.

Most of us here on LGF certainly reckon that Trump is in failing health, which is to be expected for a borderline morbidly obese septuagenarian who believes that exercise diminishes one’s life-span.