
Colbert Interviews Amb. Susan Rice (2 Parts): Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping Benefit the Most From Four More Years of Trump

danarchy8/18/2020 11:06:46 am PDT

re: #10 stpaulbear

If you look at the map of where sorting machines were removed, the locations were very selective (i.e. blue). I hope that the house democrats ‘suggest’ to DeJoy that some machines in untouched (i.e. red) districts be reassigned to districts that had more of their machined destroyed.

I have a feeling the sorting machines are a red herring and the overtime has a lot more to do with delays. Since it’s peak in 2001 mail delivery has dropped from 104 billion pieces of mail per year down to about 54 billion. There has to be a ton of overcapacity left in the system.

Also those machines only sort letters and postcards, removing them really wouldn’t account for delays in packages like medicine and stuff.

Caveat being I know nothing about logistics so feel free to ignore me.