
Trump's "Herd Immunity" Czar Scott Atlas Resigns

Targetpractice11/30/2020 6:11:32 pm PST

re: #12 aatharuv

Which means that if Donald Trump can’t get those governors in line, he is going to start a Third Party (Let’s call it the Trump Party or TP* for short. At which point either the Republican Party is going to go to zero, or they shave off enough votes from each other that the Democrats… never mind, we still need to get out the vote either way.

*Which is more than his promises are worth.

Why start another party when he continues to have this one by the balls? If he goes through with the promise to start a new campaign for a 2024 run, the party will have little choice but to continue humoring him. Short of his being carted off to jail or an even bigger asshole replacing him, he will continue to maintain sway over enough of the party base to force the leadership to regularly kiss the ring.