
Seth Meyers: FBI Raids Rudy Giuliani's Home and Office, Seizes Phones and Computers: A Closer Look

ckkatz4/30/2021 11:54:58 am PDT

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (Who will watch the watchers?)

It’s an interesting question.

I am pleased that the issues with law enforcement are being publicized and debated. I suspect that they have been there as long as there have been law enforcement organizations.

I suspect that in as large and fractious a democracy as ours, progress is going to be slow, uneven, and unsatisfying.

In the end, we can possibly mitigate some of, but cannot entirely remove the human element. Or as Pogo said: “We have met the enemy. And they is us.”

Or as another wit said: “As soon as you invent an idiot proof system, they’ll invent a better idiot.”