
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Dangerous Fruit

Florida Panhandler4/28/2022 3:54:01 pm PDT

re: #11 PhillyPretzel

Very crazy. To be honest I fear for the USA as it is now. DT and company opened up a can of worms and those folks are still pushing the idea that the election was stolen.

If Republicans win in 2024 it will get very bad not only for American women and minorities, but for most of the EU as well as US support drops in favor of backing Putin outright.

The end result is America might be facing its first brain drain pretty soon. A lot of younger people with significant degrees will go after opportunities not only in the EU where civil rights and social programs will still have some weight, but also for China as the mindset sinks in that authoritarian regimes are here to stay, might as well pick the one that pays you the most to keep your nose down and not rock the boat.

All of the minorities in America who think voting Republican (or not voting at all) will automatically include them in the coming autocracy are going to be very sad about their choice.