
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Where's Lorenzo?

Dangerman6/18/2024 2:11:42 pm PDT

re: #15 KGxvi

Personally, I’ve no problem with ending the two party system. Expand the House, abolish the electoral college (go to something like what the French have with a general election and top two run off if nobody gets to 50%).

imo, if your goal is to end the two party system, and, while the system is as it is (first past the post, one of the major two will win)

- neither third party voting nor not voting is an effective tactic to accomplish your goal
- like it or don’t, if you do not vote for ‘the best’ or the ‘least worst’ as you see it of who’s likely to win, you are by half or whole, supporting the ‘more worse’. that is not an effective tactic in accomplishing your goal