
Michele Bachmann Introduces Ron Paul: 'He's Awesome!'

MJ10/02/2009 2:18:39 pm PDT

Michele Bachmann reminds of Helen P. Chenoweth- the same type of lunatic:

During her tenure, she was referred to by her most outspoken critics as a “poster-child for the militias,” and in February 1995 she voiced the suspicion that armed federal agents were landing black helicopters on Idaho ranchers’ property to enforce the Endangered Species Act, in line with a conspiracy theory popular in far-right circles. “I have never seen them,” Chenoweth said in an interview in The New York Times. “But enough people in my district have become concerned that I can’t just ignore it. We do have some proof.”[3] The Los Angeles Times editorialized that during the campaign she gained national attention by “holding ‘endangered salmon bakes’ during fundraisers, serving canned salmon to ridicule the listing of Idaho salmon as an endangered species.” She was quoted as saying in response, “It’s the white, Anglo-Saxon male that’s endangered today.”[4]