
Daily Kos To Sue Research 2000 Polling

Killgore Trout6/29/2010 6:16:21 pm PDT
And I can’t help wondering if any right wing blog would have been so forthcoming, if they had posted bogus poll results. In their current state of paranoia and hyper-partisanship, I seriously doubt it.

From Hot Air…..

Update (AP): I’ve linked Kos’s R2000 polls on HA before so I owe our readers a mea culpa for having passed along (possibly) bad info. Mea culpa!

A rare apology from a right wing blog but of course he’s only apologizing because it was a lefty source. How about apologizing for all the bogus Rassmussen polls they post all the time? (including today). How about the crap from Fox News? No apology?