
Mayor Bloomberg's Speech on Park51

ends with space8/03/2010 12:41:46 pm PDT

Can I ask a question?

A wingnut friend of mine (actually, not in every way a wingnut, but a blind Arab/Muslim hater) claims that:

1) the mosque will be on the top floor (or maybe the top two floors) of the community center, and that

2) this is deliberate, because the Qur’an or sharia or a hadith or something declares that a mosque must be the highest place of worship in any “conquered” city.

I know there’s no point in trying to reach this guy by exploding his myths, but I’m curious for my own sake: Is either of these points even remotely true? #1 is asserted (without substantiation) on a number of right-wing blogs but I can’t find even the vaguest reference to #2 anywhere. So where did he get this?

(For the record: I myself feel that the people fighting the project are playing into the hands of the terrorists, because asserting that our vaunted freedom of religion doesn’t apply to Muslims is just one more proof to the world that we’re a bunch of hypocrites with no right to lecture others about morality.)