
The Sinister Pentagon Mosque Conspiracy

lawhawk8/05/2010 5:24:11 pm PDT

It’s the missing link in the grand unified theory of conspiracy theories. To wit:

9/11, which was a conspiracy to take down the towers and purposefully designed by the CIA to blame Osama bin Laden (who’s on the payroll), was a grand conspiracy to institute sharia in the US. Not only did the US build a mosque in the Pentagon - the heart of the US military industrial complex, but through the actions of the dispicable President Bush, got the US embroiled in two wars, hundreds of billions spent to antagonize the Islamists (when not killing the terrorists of course), and following the souring of all Americans to the GOP saw that the first Black Kenyan Muslim be elected President by fiat (and a little help of ACORN). Moreover, the rebuilding at Ground Zero takes into account building a mosque and Islamic center nearby so as to consolidate and venerate the victory of the Islamists over the US on 9/11.

Did I miss anything? /