
WikiLeaks, Morgan Tsvangirai and the Guardian – an explanation

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)1/13/2011 7:47:24 pm PST

re: #17 ozbloke

Well from the 28th of December till a day or so ago everyone was blaming wikileaks.
But the Guardian has now admitted that they were the ones to ‘first publish’that specific cable.


Am I right thinking that you dont see a place in this world at all for ‘the likes’ of wikileaks?

No. Apparently you haven’t really bothered to read anything I’ve ever written about it.

The place for a place ‘like’ wikileaks is where it always has been— with responsible journalists.

This has given rise to ‘the wikileaks’ of this age, right wrong or indifferent.


The Guardian choose it from all others, and considered that the world should know.
They were the ones who should accept responsibility for any fallout.

Listen. I understand this is your positoin. I really do. What I’m asking you to do is to explain why it’s your position.

You’re saying the US is at fault for not safeguarding secrets— and the guardian is at fault for publishing, but not Wikileaks even though they didn’t safeguard the secrets and they gave them to an institution that could choose to publish them.

What is your logic?