
Huckabee Disses Natalie Portman, Then Denies Dissing Natalie Portman

Interesting Times3/05/2011 12:18:27 pm PST

Squirrels aren’t the only animal victims here…

Huckabee’s son tortured a dog to death and got away with it with Daddy’s help:

…during the 2008 presidential primaries, it came out that, at age 18, Huckabee’s son David had been fired by the Scouts as a camp counselor after he and another counselor captured a stray dog, hanged him by the neck, slit his throat and stoned him to death.

The elder Huckabee

, who was governor of Arkansas at the time, later fired a local prosecutor who had investigated the matter with the aim of filing animal cruelty charges against David Huckabee and the other boy. In the end, other than being fired by the Boy Scouts, the boys were never held accountable for killing the helpless dog.