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Kragar6/01/2012 11:48:00 am PDT

Judge orders ‘Adolf Hitler’ to be kept in child custody

A Superior Court judge in New Jersey has ruled that a pair of self-described Nazi parents will not regain custody of their four children, one of whom they named Adolf Hitler.

The New Jersey Star-Ledger reports that the four children have been in child custody since 2009 when then 3-year-old Adolf Hitler Campbell made headlines that January after a local store refused to decorate a birthday cake with his name.

Yes, it turns out that “Snooki” may not actually be the most offensive name in the Garden State. Sadly, three of the couple’s four children are actually named after Nazi figures and terminology.

The children’s father, Heath Campbell, protested Superior Court Judge Robert Reed’s decision, saying it was based purely on the names of his children rather than the couple’s ability to serve as parents.

Raising the kids to idolize Nazis pretty much says everything I need to know about their parenting abilities.