
GOHMERT! Gay Rights Supporters Are Just Like Nazis

Scottish Dragon5/09/2014 2:15:04 pm PDT

re: #155 CuriousLurker

Whoa, your cat caught a bat? Impressive!

I used to let mine do their thing until one time I forgot to keep an eye on them and didn’t know what they did with the remains. I found out a few days later, thanks to the smell. *gag*

I also used to sleep on the floor sometimes until the day I opened my eyes and saw that one of them had left her trophy about 12 inches from the end of my nose to make sure I saw it, I guess. I’ve never woken up so fast in my life. O_O


Olivia was a street rescue, so she does not leave gifts for us. She is the sweetest cat until she catches a mouse. Then, she is like “Eff you, buddy! You want a mouse…go get yer own!!”

She will try to hide them from us…but they inevitably come limping or crawling out from behind a door or somesuch and then she bites them again and hides them somewhere else until she is hungry.

The bit with the bat was unbelievable. Bats were getting into all the townhouses in our block (they had to put up new screens on the chimneys and attics) and this one was lost in our living room trying to get out.

Fat chance, with Olivia the anti-aircraft artillery cat watching it. She exploded into the air and next I saw, it was pinned to the carpet while she was licking her chops. I was amazed and as proud as I could be. :) I got the critter away from her and took it outside to carry on with its’ bat mission, but I petted her and told her what a good, good kitty she was.