
In Which I Rant About America's Totally Dysfunctional Gun Culture

KiTA10/20/2014 12:16:12 am PDT

re: #177 goddamnedfrank

Oh god, don’t get me started on the Gamergate clusterfuck. #NotYourShield

If you ever wanted to see a more corrupt media than even Fox News, look no further than to your local video game website or magazine. And holy shit, they either are absolutely terrified or absolutely hate their own readers — it’s frightening. But they’re also quite organized — they all swarmed to put up hit pieces on their own readership en mass when this whole mess broke. Last I heard it was traced to a Google+ group where they were breaking NDAs and conspiring to make sure certain games / publishers got a certain average score.

And of course you have a special class of single issue wonk trolls mixed in the whole mess — the social justice warriors (SJWs) who claim to support various causes (feminism, gay rights, etc) but either are absolutely batshit in their devotion to them, or really just enjoy inciting flame wars.

To wit: I’ve been accused of either “metaphorical rape” or supporting “rape culture” (the message from the SJW could be read both ways) because I have a poster of the award winning Pink Floyd “Back Catalogue” advertisement by Tony May and Phyllis Cohen on my wall - there’s nudity on it, ergo rape. Or something. I was too busy trying to find my eyeballs, as I had rolled them so hard I lost them momentarily.