
A BBC Interview With XTC Maestro Andy Partridge

Lidane3/22/2015 8:21:58 am PDT

Freepers are falling all over themselves re: Ted Cruz running for POTUS:


Cruz or lose

Ted Cruz = the Texan worthy of the conservative vote!
Go Ted!

Once again it will be MORNING IN AMERICA!!!


Run hard son

Find money

You’re gonna need it

Forget all media but Fox

You need to conquer Fox

This is great news!

I would vote for Cruz or Walker in a minute!

Not that they haven’t already attacked this wonderful man, but after he makes an official announcement, look for our shameful media and gutless POTUS to wage an all out assault on this fine man.

May God Bless, Protect, and Equip this fine man.

We can thank Sarah Palin for this. Ted Cruz thanked her for her support, otherwise he would not be Senator today.

Cruz, like Palin, have that Reagan like quality of unbridled love for America.

YES YES!! Make Tom Cotton his running mate as well!

The only thing though is I hope he doesn’t run as a Republican because they are going to do everything they can to destroy him so they can insert their token RINO. Remember what they did to Herman Cain, all the women they dragged out from under the rocks, none of which ever presented one shred of proof. These pieces of rat slime will make up anything to destroy him and Cruz can deny it all he wants, but the RINO party in conjunction with the Treason party and the media will promote is as true, constantly until he drops out. That’s why he has to run as an independent. Both these parties, the Treason party and the RINO party are parties run by enemies of this country and Cruz would be wise to not join them but confront these corrupt pieces of rat filth head on, expose THEM for once as THEY are the cause of all our problems.

You don’t send a Superstar to the minor leagues. You bring him up to the majors and get out of the way while he makes history.

Ted Cruz is destined to be President and nothing can stop that from happening.

This is going to be hilarious.