
The Return of VP Candidate Sarah Palin?

darthstar5/16/2016 6:00:34 am PDT

It’s nice to wake up to a decent article on Monday morning.

This is a good read because of what it doesn’t do:
1. It doesn’t mention Hillary’s asshole GOP opponent.
2. It doesn’t discuss popularity polls or likeablility.
3.. It doesn’t spoon feed campaign talking points (positive or negative) to the reader.

What it does do is state something people will inevitably find difficult to understand - that Hillary’s foreign policy will differ from Obama’s in some ways because they have different mind-sets. This would seem obvious, I agree, but we aren’t asked to think about what that actually means. We’re just supposed to wave our respective flags and hope our team wins the race.

I like reading articles that don’t make me hate the state of our Amazing Race political election culture.